Part of the Glyn Academies Trust

Parent Partnership

At Hillcroft Primary School, nurturing our community to build trusting relationships is at the heart of our Vision.  We intend to fulfil this through different initiatives, including welcoming our parents and carers in to school to strengthen those relationships and allow them a deeper understanding of our school, our curriculum and their child’s learning.  We also value the direct impact that parents can have on the development of our school.  We promote this through our Parent Ambassador roles, which aim to involve parents in different aspects of school and community life, enabling them to develop and support the overall growth of our school.
Last year, (2022-2023) the Parent Ambassadors were focussing on developing opportunities to diversify our current curriculum to ensure that our children leave us as responsible, respectful, active global citizens who contribute positively to society. We thank them for all their hard work and the impact they have had on the development of the school.  
For 2023-2024, we are still finalising plans and will share our next focus as soon as possible.
If you would be interested in this role please contact Emma Parker on:


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