Part of the Glyn Academies Trust

Eco Committee

Eco Committee, led by Mrs Winsor
Our Eco Committee works to improve the sustainability of the school by building ‘greenness’ into the day to day life of the school.
Eco-schools is an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey to help imbed these principles into school life. In September 2021, we were awarded the Green Flag Eco-Schools Award, which signifies our continuing commitment to sustainable living and the protection of our planet. 
The Eco Committee worked together to write an Eco Code to reflect our ongoing promise to our planet: 
  • Helping our planet 
    In the lunch hall and outside
  • Littering not allowed
    Leave it, Love it, Let it grow
    Caring for animals 
  • Respecting the plants 
    Off with the taps - save water 
    Friends of the environment 
  • Taking care of our world
For the year 2024 - 2025 the Eco Committee will be deciding their priorities in their first meeting. 
Recycling at Hillcroft
  • All areas of the school actively recycle paper and cardboard, this is collected on a weekly basis.
  • Food waste from the school kitchen is also collected weekly to be recycled.
  • Fruit waste from fruit at playtimes is collected and composted on site.
  • We recycle second hand clothing with regular Bag 2 School collections
  • We recycle pens and have signed up to be the local ‘Bic Community Champion’
  • We recycle batteries and have signed up to The Big Battery Hunt
  • We recycle crisp packets and have signed up to the Terracycle Crisp Packet Recycling Scheme


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